Astro Attack, Blagger, Bridge-It, Bruce Lee, Crazy Golf, Electro Freddy, Fire Ant, Fruity Frank, Gilligan's Gold, Harrier Attack, Le Tour Du Monde En 80 Jours, Manic Miner, Mr. Wong's Loopy Laundry, Oh Mummy, The Galactic Plague.


3D Grand Prix, 3D Stuntrider, Airwolf, Alien Break-In, Android One, Android Two, Animated Strip Poker, Atlantis, Boulder Dash, Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge, Chuckie Egg, Cobra Pinball, Commando, Cyrus II Chess, Daley Thompson's Decathlon, Daley Thompson's Super-Test, Defend Or Die, Dragon's Lair, Geoff Capes Strongman, Gremlins The Adventure, Hunchback, Hunchback II Quasimodo's Revenge, Hyper Sports, Killer Gorilla, L'Affaire Vera Cruz, Macadam Bumper, Orphée, Pinball Wizard, Rally-II, Sir Lancelot, Sorcery, Space Harrier, Strip Poker, The Caves Of Doom, Who Dares Wins II, Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Zorro.


1942, Astérix Et La Potion Magique, Athlete, Billy La Banlieue, Bob Winner, Bomb Jack, Commonwealth Games, Desert Fox, Donkey Kong, Future Knight, Green Beret, Highlander, Ikari Warriors, Jail Break, Kane, Kung-Fu Master, L'Armure Sacrée D'Antiriad, Le Pacte, Les Passagers Du Vent, Light Force, Olympiad, Paperboy, Scooby Doo In The Castle Mystery, SRAM, Tempest, Tensions, The Goonies | Les Goonies, Top Secret, Winter Games, World Games, Yie Ar Kung Fu II, Zombi.


Alternative World Games, Arkanoid, Asterix And The Magic Cauldron, Airwolf II, Ball Breaker, Barbarian, Battle Ships, Batty, Billy 2, Bivouac | Chamonix Challenge, Bomb Jack II, Bravestarr, Bubble Bobble, Buggy Boy, California Games, Charly Diams, Deflektor, Elevator Action, Exolon, Express Raider, Flying Shark, Galactic Games, Gryzor, Iznogoud, Jinxter, Krakout, Le Passager Du Temps, Les Passagers Du Vent 2, Lucky Luke Nitroglycérine, Metro-Cross, Mewilo, Mission, Motos, Moulinsart, Nemesis, Out Run, Oxphar, Platoon, Profession Détective, Prohibition, Rampage, Ricochet, Robinson Crusoé, Rolling Thunder, Rygar, Solomon's Key, Star Wars | La Guerre Des Etoiles, Super Sprint, Tetris, Thundercats The Lost Eye Of Thundera, Tiger Road, Western Games, Xor, Zynaps.


1943, Advanced Pinball Simulator, After Burner, Arkanoid Revenge Of Doh, Astérix Chez Rahàzade, Ball Breaker II, Beyond The Ice Palace, Blueberry, Bobo, Bouldeur, Bubble Ghost, Conspiration De L'An III, Crazy Cars, Cybernoid, Cybernoid II, Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge, Dragon Ninja, Han D'Islande, Holocauste, Karnov, L'Affaire Santa Fe, La Mascotte, L'Ile, Metal Army, Nebulus, North Star, Operation Wolf, R-Type, Savage, Secret Défense, Starting Blocks, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back | La Guerre Des Etoiles: L'Empire Contre-Attaque, Street Fighter, Summer Games, Super Sports The Olympic Challenge, Teenage Queen, Thunder Blade, Titan, Track & Field.


Alphakhor, Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (Buffalo Bill's Rodeo Games), Continental Circus, Crack-Up, Exploding Wall, Knight Force, North & South, Operation Thunderbolt, P47 Thunderbolt, Pinball Power, Rally Cross Challenge, Rick Dangerous, Shinobi, Shufflepuck Cafe, Silkworm, Spherical, Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi | La Guerre Des Etoiles: Le Retour Du Jedi, Storm Warrior., Summer Games II, The Games Summer Edition, The Ninja Warriors, The Untouchables | Les Incorruptibles, Tintin Sur La Lune, Turbo Out Run, Vigilante, Wild Streets, X-Out.


Aussie Games, Blazing Thunder, Dick Tracy, Narc, No Exit, Pinball Magic, Saint Dragon, Sly Spy Secret Agent, Space Harrier II, The Chessmaster 2000, U.N. Squadron.


Final Fight, Fugitif, Insector Hecti In The Interchange, Les Aventures De Pepito Au Mexique, Monument, Out Run Europa, Rod-Land, Scooby & Scrappy Doo, Smash T.V., Soccer Pinball, Super Space Invaders, Thunder Jaws.

